鈴木寛徳 メモリアル・サイト HIRONORI SUZUKI - Memorial On the 1st of June 2007, the Rotterdam Trombone Class lost one of their brothers. Hironori Suzuki passed away at the age of 28 in Hiroshima, Japan, suddenly from asthma complications. Hiro was a bass trombone student from September 2003 to October 2006 when he finished recording the first Trombone Class CD, "6.35". The following is a statement from the Rotterdam Trombone Class (the year 2007). Hiro, all of us have gathered together here today on an occasion that may be seen as tragic and unhappy, but because of your charm and wonderful soul we are smiling a little bit, while remembering all the wonderful moments that you have shared with us. We want to be with your family on this difficult day, and we will always have you in our hearts. We will miss you so much in our class and ensemble, there will always be a place for you here and we will hope to play again with you one day. Your brothers of the Rotterdam Trombone Class To visit "Hiromusica" and watch Hiro's old videos, click here!
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